Call for Papers

Submission Guidelines

● Ensure you are signed up for the website; only signed up participants can submit an abstract.

● Download abstract template and submit it according to the template.

● Deadline of extended abstract/paper submission: June 30, 2025

● Please submit the abstract (about 500 words) before the deadline.

● The extended abstract should include title, author's name and affiliation, key words and presenting author, and should not contain figures and tables.

● The extended abstract should be prepared in English and submitted online in Microsoft Word format through the website.


The extended abstract after acceptance will be included in the proceedings of the 30th IFHTSE World Congress.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

1. Solid-State Transformation and Solidification

2. Advanced Materials and Heat Treatment

3. Chemical-thermo Treatment

4. Induction Heat Treatment

5. Multi-field Coupled Heat Treatment

6. Microstructure and Properties

7. Vacuum Heat Treatment and Surface Strengthening Technology

8. Quenching and Distortion Control

9. Heat Treatment Informatization and Intelligence

10. Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Equipment

11. Heat Treatment of New Energy Vehicles Components

12. Plasma Electrolysis and Discharge Deposition Technology

13. New Technologies for Hard and Superhard Thin Films

14. Anodizing, Electrodeposition, and Electroplating

15. Functional Surfaces and Coatings

16. High-temperature Thermal Protection Coating

17. Thermal Spray

18. High-power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering, HiPIMS

19. Semiconductor Material Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering

20. Surface Integrity and Anti-fatigue Manufacturing

21. Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering for Non-Ferrous Metals and  their Alloys

22. Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering of Key Parts

23. High Energy Beam Surface Engineering and Additive Manufacturing

24. Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering for Nuclear Power Plant Materials and Key Equipment

25. High-performanceToolCoatings:and their Applications

26. Frictional and Wear

27. Modeling and Simulation

28. Characterization and Evaluation of Residual Stress

29. Failure Analysis

30. Green Heat Treating / Low Carbon

31. Heat Treatment Energy Efficiency and Management

32. Quality Control

33.AdvancedTechnology·for Functional .Surface Modification

Young Author Award

● Tom Bell Young Author Award:

The "Tom Bell Young Author Award (TBYAA)" and the "IFHTSE World Congress Scholarship" are established by the conference for authors under the age of 35 who apply at the time of submission. After a rigorous selection process by IFHTSE, certificates will be awarded to the deserving recipients, who will also have the opportunity to receive funding to attend the next IFHTSE World Congress.

● Conference Excellent Young Author Award

The "Excellent Young Paper Presentation Award" and the "Excellent Poster Presentation Award" are established by the conference for authors under the age of 35. These awards are rigorously selected by CHTS, with certificates presented to the deserving recipients.

● Young authors intending to participate in the selection process are required to register in advance and to submit their full papers to no later than June 30, 2025.


Submisson Form: Download

Full Paper Template: Download

30th IFHTSE World Congress Copyright Transfer Form: download



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Registration Submission